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RESILIENCE - Ability to Change, Capacity to Recover

How many times have you or your students said, "I'm done," "I've had enough," "I cannot take it anymore," "This is it, I quit!" "Nursing or teaching is not for me." The premise is not to quit but become more open minded about your situation. Come to our annual faculty development day for more insight into "self-care" and resilience.

Success is not final, failure not fatal;

it is the courage to continue that counts”

--Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


May 6, 2020 from 8-4:30pm ---The PAPNA 2020 SPRING Faculty Development Day Conference - 6.75 CEUs awarded. Held at the Best Western Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA

Topics include:

* PN Educators Best Practices * Classroom and Clinical Learning Strategies – PN Education

* Regulations Update *Recognition – Nurse Educator of the Year

*With a special presentation by:

Faculty and Student Resilience Depends on "Self Care"


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